About Us
The owner: Mr. Yaser Rabie.
Rabie company is a trading import company ,has been formed in 1992 to work in the field of import all kinds of paper ,board and wallpaper,
offer a secure of quality of all products prime and stock of :
- Testliner white top coated
- Testliner white top
- Offset W/F paper coated & uncoated
- Duplex board
- Printing & writing paper A4
- Greased paper
- Greasedproof paper
- WALLPAPER (Vinyl, Non-woven, Solid vinyl, Textile ...etc)
- And other types of paper & board
Import from all countries of the world in Europe & Asia, a quantitative of products and supply to all our customers, (printing presses, factories and markets of wholesale and retail).
- And other types of paper & board
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